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    • #20147
      Abdullah Baig

      Dear Members
      I am going to start writing my research paper on Radio over Fiber System.
      I want to inquire:

      1) Which format should i follow. If some some have any format please email me: abdullahbaig.uettaxila@gmail.com
      2) Please guide me where i can publish my paper for free Or with with less fee.

      please comment the link of sites who are receiving the photonics Conference paper or Journal Paper in coming days
      Best Regards

    • #20149
      Abdallah Ismail

      Make 2)instead of 1)
      Then follow the publisher instructions and templates.

    • #20150
      Abdullah Baig

      Sir Thankyou

      Can you tell me the names of some publishers. Actually this is my 1st publication and i do not know well.
      Best Regards

      i Know 1 publisher i-e Springer

    • #20153
      Abdallah Ismail
    • #20154
      Abdallah Ismail
    • #20155
      Ibn Aziz

      Dear ABdullah Baig ,

      if u want to publish in reputable Journals then following are considered as best Journals in Optical and photonics domai;

      JLT (Journal of light Tech)
      PTL (Photonics Tech letter)



      P.s Every reputable Journal never takes any sort of money from you.

      Best of luck

    • #20156
      Abdullah Baig

      Thanx alot 🙂

    • #20187
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Abdullah Baig Hi,

      I am fully agree with Mr. Abdallah Ismail suggestion that “follow the publisher instructions and templates”.
      You must read very carefully all the instruction of the journal regarding how paper should be submitted. Negligence of the guidelines of the journal regarding paper submission is an highly effective method for irritating an editor.
      If you can afford, you can go for the paid Journals because they respond faster.
      Also, it is found helpful if you quote some work published in the same journal where you are going to send for publication.
      Start writing your research.

    • #20243
      Abdullah Baig

      Sir Thankyou

    • #20245
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Abdullah Baig Hi,
      Welcome Dear.
      One more thing you must take care of is “Plagiarism”. It is considered academic theft. It may cause penalties, suspension, and even expulsion from the school and university. At present various cases of plagiarism have been reported in academia. So, before submission please run plagiarism checker and do accordingly.
      some of the popular software for the same are:
      TurnItIn, iThenticate, Viper, PlagiarismChecker, Duplichecker etc. from Google you can find the link.
      BEST of luck.

    • #20289
      K. Esakki Muthu

      Dear Sethi,

      plagiarism checker u mentioned here is not a free one. can u please suggest a free software

    • #20307
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Esakkimuthu Hi,
      Yes, MOST of the plagiarism detector are not free.
      But you, through your institute can ask for the trial version of the same, that will help others also, in the institutes. Subsequently it may be purchased. Because, now each and every institute must take care of “Plagiarism” considered as academic theft. UGC(India) proposed regulations for the awarding of the degree in India that all students must begin using well developed software to detect plagiarism and other form of academic theft. So, university ask for plagiarism report along with the submission. A plagiarism check report is a mandatory requirement. Universities may cause penalties, suspension, and even expulsion.
      Some of the FREE version you can find on the net but they are not useful, because of the limitation imposed on the same.

    • #20403
      Anamika Basnotra

      hello sir
      some of the journals ask for ‘suggested reviewers’. can you explain what does that mean?

    • #20406

      Hi Anamika,

      If I understood you point correctly, suggested reviwers are researchers who are working in your field but outside of your research group (who you know). This service is useful from the point of saving your time (when you are waiting for a reviewer’s comments) and helps you to move quickly with your paper…

    • #20411
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Hi Anamika Basnotra,
      Providing a list of suggested or preferred reviewers will definitely quicken the process, because Journals are always short of reviewers.
      Some authors send names of friends, who they think may be favourable as reviewers from the list of people with sufficient expertise. But these people are unlikely to be chosen to review the manuscript. Finally the editor has to choose the reviews obtained for any given manuscript and determine whether or not they are fair and thorough. The best suggestion is to not avoid mentioning names but pick names that in your opinion can provide good constructive review on your work and not just favourable. Our goal should not be to get our work published; instead it should be to make sure that whatever publishes is the best. If we adopt that approach, then only we will suggest reviewers who have the requisite expertise, regardless of what bias they might hold.
      There are three types of editors:
      – Some editors may be busy / sluggish people just take names and send the paper to them for review.
      – Others think that you provide the list of the favourable people who will likely endorse your paper for non-existent merits, and never send requests to these people.
      – These people rely less and less on these suggestions and look upon them with suspicion and make selections from their own wisdom, understanding and research on the topic.

    • #20415
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Esakkimuthu Hi,
      Yes, MOST of the plagiarism detector are not free.
      Some of the FREE version you can find on the net but they have limited options, because of the limitation imposed on the same.
      Here is a link for plagiarism checker “top-10-free-plagiarism-detection-tools-for-teachers”
      Paper Rater
      Plagiarism Detector

      • #20562

        Many thanks to Rk Sethi for your complete, detailed and structured information! However, I have a question to you about plagiarism checkers. Does it mean that these checkers are not reliable when you are mentioning that “they have limited options, because of the limitation imposed on the same”? Could, you, please, clarify this point of yours? (just in case if I didn’t understand it correctly…)

      • #20563

        One more question to you, Rk Sethi. Can you, please, at least indicate the limitations that can be applied for the free checkers as well? (if you know by any chance…) Thanks in advance!

    • #20417
      Anamika Basnotra

      thankyou Ravil and Sethi sir

    • #20424
      Ashu verma

      Thank you all for sharing this.

    • #20444
      Dr Rk Sethi

      Welcome Anamika Basnotra, Sam Sung and Abdullah Baig.
      Please don’t forget to inform through Forum or e-mail whenever paper published.
      Best of luck.
      Sethi Rk

    • #20555
      K. Esakki Muthu

      Thank you Dr. Sethi for your kind information

      Best Regards,
      K. Esakki Muthu

    • #20634
      Abdullah Baig

      Sir RK Sethi Thankx alot for guidance. Sir you gave valuable information, which will definitely help me during writing paper.
      Sir Thankx again

    • #20637

      Dear Abdullah,

      You are welcome! You have risen a very interesting and important academic topic for all of scientists! Best of luck with your publications and feel free to ask such questions in the future!

    • #20656
      Ashu verma

      Hi everyone i want to know about paper writing for IEEE conference.Do i have to take into account all the parameters and guidelines which we follow to write ieee journal paper?As i have gone through some IEEEE conference papers they are not as IEEE journal papers.please let me know so that i can make it

      • #20757

        Hi Sam Sung,

        From my own experience, I would recommend you to find the requirements for publications for this particular conference (IEEE has a lof of different sections and chapters. The requirements are slightly varying for one section/chapter to another) and follow their guidelines. If, for some reason, you are not able to do that, I would definitely advise you to look through other papers prepared for the same conference in the past and use it as templates.

    • #20661

      there is so many format you should clarify exactly where and normally everywhere has its own rule about formatting, you should consider about it.

    • #20759

      By the way, what is the name of the IEEE conference you are submitting your paper for?

    • #86950
      brian smith

      (Awaiting moderation)

    • #86951
      brian smith

      (Awaiting moderation)

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