Home Forums FDTD WGElliptic Vs WGPBGCrysalStruct

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    • #43139

      Hi there

      i built a photonic crystal structure using the WGPBGCrysalStruct once and using the WGElliptic in another file
      the design is the same for both methods (WGPBGCrysalStruct and WGElliptic )
      but the simulation results are totally different although the structure in the two files is identical!
      (i mean the obtained power from the observation lines are not the same)

      the two design files and the analyzer files are attached

      any help will be appreciated

    • #43141

      the rest of the files

    • #43143

      here is the observation line analyzes for both files (the power is not the same!)

    • #43398
      Jing Wang

      As explained in our emails, you did not use the same version to do the simulation. 32- and 64-bit versions have many differences. you will need to make modifications of some parameters if you want to compare the results by 32- and 64- bit versions. (P.S. it always recommended to use the same version.)

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