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    • #21759
      MHD NA

      is there anyone has full version for optisystem 11 or 12 or 13, because i really need it in my master degree?

    • #21762
      Bryan Tipper

      We have 30-day evaluations for each product. When the evaluations are completed, you can opt to lease on a monthly or yearly basis (or purchase a perpetual license). For more info, please email: info@optiwave.com.


    • #21763
      Ashu verma

      Hello Moh Nam
      As Bryan said you have to purchase the latest version or lease it for the time you are working on optisystem.You cannot get the older version because latest version is always updated with new components,better to purchase latest rather then go for older versions.

      • #21765
        Alessandro Festa

        I agree, the only reason to look for old versions is if you have a very old OS installed on your PC (like <XP), otherwise latest version is the best choice.

    • #21770

      Hi Moh Nam,

      To all the guidance given before, I just want to recommend you from myself to download and try a 30-days version. It is free and you will be able to get a good general understanding about the Optiwave software!

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