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Home Forums SYSTEM Spectral efficiency V Signal to noise ratio

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    • #37267
      shafeen al yasin

      Hello Everyone,

      First of All thank you all for responding so well to my previous query.

      Actually i want to plot a Spectral efficiency vs Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) curve for different advanced modulation schemes such as BPSK, DPSK, QPSK, QAM, MSK, M-Ary etc.
      Is there any provision to directly plot the curves of all the modulation schemes mentioned above.?


    • #37856
      Rahul Tiwari

      Hi ,

      Well I am not sure about this but I don’t think there is a provision for this…


    • #38190
      Rajguru M. Mohan

      Hi Shafeen,
      Spectral efficiency depends upon N, the no. of bits per symbol.
      SNR also depends upon the energy per bit and noise power spectral density ratio.
      But, i don’t think we could plot the above relations directly.
      A 16QAM modem has an alphabet size of M = 16 alternative symbols, with N = 4 bit/symbol or bpcu. Since QAM is a form of double sideband passband transmission, the spectral efficiency cannot exceed N = 4 (bit/s)/Hz.
      For a signaling alphabet with M alternative symbols, each symbol represents
      N = log2 M bits. N is the modulation efficiency measured in bit/symbol or bpcu.
      While Eb/N0 (the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio)
      is an important parameter in digital communication or data transmission.
      It is a normalized signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measure, also known as the “SNR per bit”.


    • #38209
      Ankita Sharma

      Hi Rajguru,

      I agree with Rajguru that we could not plot the relations directly.. Hope this helps…


    • #38231


      I too am of the view that we might not be able to plot it.. try to consult optiwave tech support team..There surely will help.


    • #38300
      deepak jha

      Hi Shafeen,

      I too agree with other forum members that we cannot plot the relations directly…


    • #49810
      Alex Christie

      In contrast to the other replies on this topic, I believe it is possible to plot spectral efficiency vs signal to noise ratio – this is exactly what Shannon’s law is all about.

      “the maximum attainable error-free data speed, in bits per second (bps), is a function of the signal-to-noise ratio and bandwidth”

      See figure 7 in the following as an example…..


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