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Home Forums SYSTEM Radio over fiber

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    • #23215

      DPSK is one of ROF modulation techniques,in this simulation at Tx the data are used to modulate three different carrier having frequencies 10,15,20 GHZ ,bandwidth= 1.5*Bit Rate which Bit Rate varying (0.5,1,1.5,2)GHZ These signals are
      then combined using electrical power combiner and this combined signal is used to modulate an optical carrier of
      frequency 193.1 THz using mach zehnder modulator (MZM), transmitted through the single mode fiber length varing (10,20,30,40 KM)
      at RX These optical signals are then passed through optical band pass filters (frequencies 193.110 THz, 193.115 THz, 193.120)
      in my simulation i used opti system 13 , Bit Rate 2 GHZ, length of SMF is 40 KM
      I have a problem in matching o/p of BER analyzer of my simulation with this paper plz modify it and attach it for me.

    • #23217

      the paper

      • #23224

        Hi Hager, I ran your simulationa and found it working properly. But by setting the parameters to match those in the paper, I did not manage to get the same results also. So I think you should not rule out one possibility: Once I was trying to reproduce the results of one paper once but did not manage. Via email I realized some assumptions were made without having been mentioned in the paper. Anyway, I will let you know if I find the problem.

    • #23226

      By the way, I am not sure about the validity of the journal that has published this paper. For one thing, I have serious doubts about its impact factor on its website and I have heard in a few occasions that it accepts papers withing five days or so! So keep all these in mind while you are trying to find your problem, because you simulation implementation seems correct.

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