Home Forums SYSTEM problems with BER analyzer

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    • #28980

      I find the diagram of BER analyzer in my project is different with the tutorial’s. What I should do? I use optisystem 7.0. My aim is to design a ring network for metro networks.

      what is more, this is just a ideal project design.What I should consider when it comes to the practical design? and what do I need to change to my project?

      Thx and happy new year!

    • #29027

      Hi Lisa,

      Since you are using a version older than the version for which the tutorial has been written, I suggest you ask any specific question you have about BER analyzer here, so as to get help especially from those using the same version. Attaching screenshots would also be helpful in this regard.


      • #29516

        hi alistu
        For more specific information, I want to know how to define the fiber type of a model?SMF or MMF? and what about amplifiers ,transmitters and receivers? these are all need to be taken into consideration when it comes to the practical model. How can I define the parameters? Many thanks for your help.

        • #29518

          Today, SMF is being used more commonly, but it’s up to you to design with SMF or MMF (MMF can be used especially for short-haul communications). You can choose the design parameters according to the design specifications in the papers, or for a real practical case, you can even use datasheets.


        • #29533

          Er…I still don’t understand.Would you please give me more specific information?

        • #29536

          You can search through the papers where simulation results or experimental results of an implementation of a system are presented and see what values are usually considered for different components of the system since values close to the commercial values are being used most of the time.

        • #29551

          Yes.I know .But my problem is I cannot find the result of implementation to see the values for different components.

        • #29555

          You don’t need to find the results in order to be able to see the value of the components. You would just need to go through a paper and look where the implemented system in the paper is introduced. There, you can see the values assigned to different components. You can also compare the values found in different papers to make sure you are using common values.

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