Home Forums SYSTEM Problem with white led source and FSO

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    • #22857
      maha sliti

      I have a problem when using white led source and fso link. I have attached my simulation file.

    • #22869
      Damian Marek

      A couple small problems:

      1) You need a 3R Regenerator to reproduce the clock signal for the eye diagram.

      2) The White Light Source needs to be converted to a sampled signal to be modulated. Check the Convert Noise Bins parameter.

      3) Finally a low pass filter helps to clean up the detected electrical signal.

      See attached.

    • #22883
      maha sliti

      Thank you Sir.

    • #22884
      maha sliti

      I cannot open the attached file. Can you please attach a scanned image?

    • #22885
      maha sliti

      I have obtained the eye digram by following your corrections. Thank you very much.

    • #24195
      maha sliti

      Dear Sir, When I tried to use the wavelength 750nm in the white led and an optical fiber centered at the same wavelength, the signal is lost. I did not understand the problem.
      I have attached my simulation file.

      • #24230
        Damian Marek

        I am not sure what you mean by the signal is lost. Attached is the time domain output I receive, which is actually at a higher power than the output.

    • #24255
      Ashu verma

      Hello Damian i have also analyzed the signal at output too.but i need to know
      Why maha used edfa with 20 dB gain fir just 0.25 km of fiber length.when i run simulation without amp. System works fine and also took less time .with and without edfa results i got same 10^-18.i lowered the power of led to 0db and deleted edfa ,system works fine.
      Damian can we use EDFa along with LED? I have a doubt in this ..

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