Home Forums SYSTEM problem in BER analyser

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    • #24513
      aasif bashir dar

      the attached .osd file shows problem in BER analyser (after the electronic equalizer).

      with regards

    • #24580
      Ashu verma

      Hi! Asif
      Your system works fine and you made it by considering all the technical values needs to set for the several components such as Fbg,Edfa etc.The only thing i have corrected is just inserted a loop control for you each transmission subsystem consisting of smf ,,fbg and edfa.your system gives Ber of 10^-10 after 8 loops which distance is equal to the subsystems attachrd by you.Now one loop consisting of smf 100 km edfa 20 dB and smf then FBG.
      Check the attached file

      • #24583

        Thank you Sam for considering the file Aasif has attached. But it seems that the problem Aasif was referring to and started this topic for is still there. The BER analyzer after the electronic equalizer is still not working.

        Damian had formerly suggested two ways to overcome this, but neither work here.

    • #24587
      Ashu verma

      Hi alistu,my mistake.Now set tge value forward taps constant in equilizer to 1 and feedback tap cofficient to 1 also and here you go .

      • #24589

        Thank you for the suggestion, but doesn’t that change the designed equalizer and change it to another equalizer with another function? After all, I assume that the equalizer is designed for some purpose and on some basis that way.

    • #24590
      Ashu verma

      Alistu i just read the tutorial of electronic equilizer and the vakue of feedback can be varied from 1 to 1000 .So without considering other factors i just itrate the equilizer for some values and got these results.It may somehow change the design also.But i have tried it with many ways but found this is the only way that i got results.

      • #24591

        Thank you. I didn’t say the value is out of range, I just meant this should not be the way (because of changing the design). Otherwise, we have a technical Optisystem problem. Another solution would be not to use equalizer at all, which is again not the right solution. However, I don’t know about Aasif’s equalizer design.

    • #24660
      aasif bashir dar


    • #24662
      Ashu verma

      Welcome asif,i need to know wether the design of equilizer you made changed in one of my file? I have some changes in the file you and let me know if you find it helpful or about the design of equilizer .

    • #24672
      gaganpreet Kaur

      Sam could u send me the snapshot of the file . i am having problem with BER nd Eye diagram analyzer

      • #24692

        Hi Gaganpreet,

        I am assuming you want to have a snapshot of the modified file. Here’s a snapshot of the system implementation from the modified file without error in the BER analyzer. Also, I have attached a snapshot from the electronic equalizer settings, where the changes in coefficients was being discussed here.


        • #24698
          Ashu verma

          Thank you Alistu for attaching the screen shot i was little confused what files screen shot Gagan was reffering too.Gagan i have just changed the forward and backward feed. To 1 . and it works fine .you can do it in your version too.in case of any problem let us know

    • #24690
      Ashu verma

      Hi Gagan which snapshot you are reffering to? Is it of the file that author attached? Or one i have corrected by changing Equilizer?? Let me know then i will attach the screen shot even if you require both files.
      Thank you

    • #24700
      aasif bashir dar

      i will let u know when i will try it

      this time i am busy in exams

    • #24713
      gaganpreet Kaur

      Thank you alistu so much . i have seen the snap shot and wanted to know role and placement of elctronic equalizers . thank u somuch . i have not yet simluated the system as i am stuck with long hrs of my 100channel DWDM system but i will surely get back to u after i simulate for further help.
      thanks sam but i got the snap shot

      • #24736

        You’re welcome Gaganpreet. Please refer to my new suggestion for your 100 Channel DWDM system.


    • #24741
      gaganpreet Kaur

      Hi alistu sorry i got confused are u refering to suggestion of decreasing power for my 100 channel system?

      • #24743

        Yes, please refer to the topic for more discussion.

    • #25085
      aasif bashir dar

      i am not getting any results

      • #25089

        Hi Aasif, Could you please upload the osd file of your system? Or address the system you’re referring to? Thanks.

      • #25148
        Ashu verma

        Hi Asif
        From your reply it seems that you are referring to the problem Ber system you attached and i modified it some time ago.However the modified file in my first reply is not correct because i changed only fibers into loop and forgot to check Ber after equilizer.Now you just need to make small change in equilizer as i suggsted in reply 24587 and your ber diagram at vizulizer.

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