Home Forums SYSTEM Polar codes in optical wireless communication

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    • #64850

      Good evening everyone,
      I am Saila, currently working on my final year M.tech project. I am using polar codes in optisystem together with optical wireless communication. I have successfully completed the encoding side in Optisystem but i am facing issues in the decoding side. I am not getting the exact input sequence back. The input for my decoder in optisystem (which is basically a MATLAB component containing the decoding code of polar codes) is electrical and the output is coming to be binary. What i am not able to understand is whether the difference in the input and output port is giving the wrong result or there is some issue with my matlab code. I am not exactly able to understand what the issue is?
      if any suggestions, please let me know. I will be highly thankful for your valuable suggestions.


    • #65056
      Ahmad Atieh

      Hello Saila,
      If you would email me the project and the Matlab code as a zip file to ahmad.atieh@optiwave.com, I’ll check it for you and provide my feedback on the issue. It is difficult to debug the issue without the file.

    • #65086

      Good morning sir,
      Thank you so much for your response. I’ll do the same.

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