Home Forums GENERAL plotting graphs

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    • #30055
      Aabid Baba

      i wish to ask if there is a way in optiwave itself to plot curves for different quantities with respect to one parameter on a single graph.
      i want my BER of different wavelengths to be plotted against power level on a same graph.
      Any help??

    • #30070
      aasif bashir dar

      well aabid
      itz is quite possible(but there are some short comings in current versions of optisystem).

      first take the opti2Dgraph of one wavelengthand export it in text form.

      then do it for for various wavelengths of your requirement.

      you can then import all the graphs on a single opti@D graph.
      are that there is difficulty in giving lengends for different graphs for different wavelengths.

      for further;

      Suggestion: Improve OptiSystem Reporting/Plotting

    • #30072
      aasif bashir dar
    • #30073
      Aabid Baba

      thank you asif.
      i am able to do it but the problem is that i have to export it to excel first and then plot it.
      i want to plot it in the optiwave itself. I am not able to find a way to do it.
      i have gone through the tutorial available. There must have been some possible way.
      any solution further!

    • #30074
      aasif bashir dar

      well aabid

      what your are currently doing(that plotting graph in in excel ) is best for me also.we can also use matlab for plotting graphs using exported text files.

    • #30075
      Aabid Baba

      yeah am doing the same way but in excel itself not in matlab. I copy the values from the exported text file and paste it in the excel for plotting the graphs. I need to compare results for various parameters. I so wish optisystem in cooperates such function so that we could avoid this excel thing.
      Best regards

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