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Home Forums SYSTEM Optisystem with optifiber

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    • #11716
      Abdallah Ismail

      Dear All,
      Dear Damian,
      I’m using measured index multimode fiber to simulate few mode fiber with Refractive index profile designed in Optifiber.
      the optifiber file is .fcd file. and also exporting .rpd files.
      Which file i use with measured index fiber component as OptiFiber file format.
      I tested the two files and the optisystem is working but I’m not sure from results.

      Best regards,

    • #11730
      Damian Marek

      In OptiFiber, after creating your desired fiber profile go to the File menu and choose “Export Profile…”. When you save the file make sure that you choose the .dat file type. You can open this file up in a text editor to see the file structure.

      Then in OptiSystem just browse to where you saved the .dat file and choose it. If the .dat file does not show up either rename the file to .txt or choose to browse “All Files (*.*)” in the browser.


      • #24076
        Farhad Arpanaei

        Dear Damian

        Where is the tab for importing .dat file in the optisystem?
        thanks in advanced

        • #24079

          Hi Farhad, After you open a project in Optisystem, click on “file” tab to choose “import” option. You can either select “component” or “component library” options.

        • #24081
          Farhad Arpanaei

          Dear Alistu

          i have created a profile in the optifiber now i want to import this profile in the optisystem project, i have applied your approach but the error message is appeared.

        • #24084

          Dear farhad, I only addressed your previous question regarding how to import a file into Optisystem. Unfortunately since I don’t have much experience with OptiFiber sofware, I may not be able to help. By the way, You haven’t attached any files showing the error in your comment.

    • #13426

      dear abdallah,

      i am working with few modes fiber ,as u said , even though i have designed something related to that , i cant check about that results so kindly send ur profile work for my reference or give some possibel way to check it

    • #13454
      Abdallah Ismail

      I send an email to you or a friend.
      Plz send me your email to deliver files to you because it may contain papers has copyrights and i can’t upload it here.
      To test it i think the great man Damian send me the method through configuring Spatial CW Laser to produce more than one HG mode in spatial effects tap in its properties then connect it to parabolic index MMF to obtain LP modes.


    • #20323
      Abhishek Shrama

      Hi everyone,Can we send LP modes over intersatellite link? Is mode division multiplexing valid for isowc.As i have seen many papers on LP modes over parabolic MMF ,but haven’t seen modes over ISOWC links.Please tell if it possible ,because i am working on it.

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