Home Forums GENERAL Optical channel model

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    • #68636
      Faria rahman

      Hello sir. I am modelling a LOS channel based on OCDMA coding technique. In the description of the LOS channel component, the formula of the LOS channel DC gain is given. I need to know which parameter of the formula is representing or accountable for the coding part. I mean to say how I can observe the different coding effects on the dc gain of the LOS channel if I use different codes such as OOC, ZCC, prime codes etc.
      Any help?
      Thanks in advance.

    • #68638
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Faria,
      the LOS component reacts to the incoming modulated and coded signal that is created at the transmitter side. The electrical field of signal will be transmitted over the LOS channel and experience different effect depending on the signal structure. Thus, you need to create the signals then transmit them through the LOS component and monitor the differences in their performance.
      There are some coding components in OptiSystem that you may use. You may also use the Matlab component to create the required code and apply it to the PRBS data.

      • #68640
        Faria rahman

        Thank you sir for replying. Sir what are the coding components in OptiSystem that I may use?

    • #68641
      Ahmad Atieh

      you may use the search feature in OptiSystem to find the relevant components. Place the mouse in the component library docker and right click then choose Find Component… enter the words encode and code, you will get all related components available in OptiSystem. They will be located at Default/Transmitters Library/Coders/ and Default/Receivers Library/Decoders/

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