Home Forums SYSTEM Odd & Even Sub carrier

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    • #24252
      Ajay Vyas

      We want to separate the Even & Odd sub carrier for OFDM input signal & transmitted through Radio over fiber link & detected separately for even & odd term.
      The fundamentals for it given in the paper attached. Is it possible to apply the same procedure on OptiSystem? How we can separate through sub carrier?

    • #24263

      Hi Ajay,

      In Optisystem 13 OFDM component, it is possible to choose the location of subcarriers. So you can only choose even subcarriers, for example, and do the simulation. Another way to assign data to even (or odd) subcarriers is to use Matlab component and write Matlab codes for OFDM and then apply changes to it.


    • #24289
      Ajay Vyas

      Thanking you Alistu

      the same method apply for detection of those even or odd carrier?

      • #24290

        You’re welcome Ajay. Yes, if it actually helps you can also use the same method for reception. I am sure your system can be implemented with Matlab, but not sure yet whether you can use Optisystem 13 OFDM block or not. You can use these blocks if you don’t need to switch from even to odd (or vise versa) subcarriers in your simulation.

    • #24620
      Dhananjay Patel


      The scheme of this OFDM what you are talking is Flip OFDM. Yes, you need to write a Matlab code for it and integrate with Optiwave. Try searching more papers about flip OFDM before implementing it in Matlab. I hope this helps

      • #24635

        Hi Dhananjay,

        Thank you for further introducing the system. But as I perceive from a paper named “Flip-OFDM for Unipolar Communication Systems”, although in flip-OFDM all subcarriers are not used as in here, there is no mention of odd and even subcarriers. However, it’s ACO-OFDM in which odd subcarriers are only being used. Could you correct me if you think I am wrong? Thank you.

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