Home Forums FIBER non linearity

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    • #47592
      Abu Bakar

      Hi every I would like to calculate fiber non-linear coefficient(Gamma) by using expression [Gamma=2*pi*n2/lambda*Aeff].
      where Aeff=10um^2,lambda=1550nm,n2=2.6e-20.Please find the value of gamma in unit W^-1Km^-1.I can calculate but get some werid value 1.317e-8W^-1/m and changes into km^-1. So get a value 1.317e-5W-1Km^-1.When i calculate non linear length it is more then the actual fiber length.please guide me.

    • #47595

      Abo Bakar,
      nonlinear length might be smaller, equal, or greater than actual length. It is ok.
      if it is greater than actual length, so nonlinearity is weak. and vice versa.

      Hope this is clear,

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #47796
      Abu Bakar

      ok thanks.

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