Home Forums EXCHANGE Multiplexer Demultiplexer

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by Trisno Wibowo Ady Saputra.
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    • #79802

      hello friends, my name is trisno wibowo. so I’m here doing research for my college final project. my research on NGPON2. In NGPON2, it requires an upstream olt component and a downtream olt component. how can i find the component in optisystem, i’ve been looking for it but can’t find it. and for multiplexers and demultiplexers, why are all multiplexers in the form, even though the text is demultiplexer? how do i find the demultiplexer?

    • #80571
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Trisno,
      please refer to the examples in OptiSystem Example Library on PON located at the following link. There you’ll find examples describing all components needed to build your system.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems

      What is the version of OptiSystem that you are using?


    • #83175
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Trisno,
      please refer to the examples in OptiSystem Example Library on PON located at the following link. There you’ll find examples describing all components needed to build your system.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems

      What is the version of OptiSystem that you are using?


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