Home Forums SYSTEM LiNb Mach zhender

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    • #47044
      imen haddad

      Can you please give me the different settings of LiNb Mach-zhender so that I can try out different modulations:QAM,PAM….

    • #47052

      There is an example related to the settings of the LiNb Mach-zhender modulator settings. here is the example name:

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #47061
      imen haddad

      Excuse my ignorance, but I want to make sure.
      How do I choose between the three bias points?I think I saw somewhere that if I want Amplitude modulation then it’s Quadratic operating point and if it’s phase modulation then it’s peak operating point and null operating point.
      If that’s true, then what’s the difference beween Peak operating point and null operating point?

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