Home Forums SYSTEM how to find the value of frequency chirp by using markers

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    • #44385
      muhammad jawad

      Dear Friends
      hope you all will be fine.
      please refer to the figure attached.
      please let me know how to find the value of the chirp i.e frequency at point marked by “arrow” inside a gaussian pulse in time domain?As the marker can only be placed at two pints along x-axis but i want to find the value of frequency along y-axis(right side) at a specific point.How to use marker in this case????

    • #44404
      Damian Marek

      In the top left of the figure there is a blue icon that let’s you change the properties of the figure. Click that Icon and click “Set Active Display…” from the drop down menu. From the new Dialog box choose the other Display, should be Display 1. Now the markers will correspond to the other Y axis.

    • #44405
      muhammad jawad

      thanks sir damian Marek

      in the same plot/figure,Plz tell me is there any chirp present or not?
      How i can convert this chirp which is almost straight line in the pulse into increasing/decreasing slope?
      Please note that i am using HNLF where the output of this HNLF is filtered by an OBPF.HNLF+OBPF gives temporal chirp which i need to use to generate UWB pulses

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