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Home Forums FDTD How to draw a 3D elliptic cylinder?

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    • #47512
      Christopher Dirdal


      I am interested in making elliptical holes in a slab and simulate transmission through the slab. The 3D cylinder drawing tool gives circular holes, and I am unable to rotate the elliptic waveguide drawing so that it faces the z-direction…. Any suggestions?

    • #47556
      Scott Newman

      Hello Christopher,

      By “faces the z-direction” I am going to work under the assumption that you mean the elliptical cross section is in the XY plane and the waveguide runs along the z axis.

      The best way to set this up is to add a fiber profile through Profile Designer with your desired major and minor axis. then create a linear waveguide along z and assign the fiber profile to this waveguide. I have attached a picture of a design that has the elliptical waveguide you are referring to and the waveguide I am describing on the left.

      Is this what you are looking for?


    • #47562
      Christopher Dirdal

      Thanks a lot for the help. That did the trick!

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