Home Forums SYSTEM How to design an SBS circulator system

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    • #48485
      William Fong

      Hi,I have question here about the circulator design for the SBS system. I have tried different design but the results which is the output power that I got from the system was far deviate from the theoretical graph for SBS output power. Did my design went wrong or something else that causes this problem?

    • #48497

      can upload your design and the theoretical graph you are talking about to try to help.

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48498
      William Fong

      This is the my design.

    • #48501

      I do not see the difference you said.
      the SBS is 11 GHz apart so where is the difference and where is the theoretical graph your talking about!!

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48530
      William Fong

      This is the graph of input power vs output power of SBS system.

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