Home Forums FIBER GPON and PAM 4

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  • Author
    • #79699
      chihab Loughlimi

      hello everyone , i’m new to optisystem and i’d like to do a simulation that includes the PAM 4 modulation in a GPON example , any tips ?

    • #80161

      use examples already given.

    • #82765

      use examples already given.

    • #80169
      Ahmad Atieh

      Hello Chihab,
      Just to add to what Arjina said, the examples on PAM modulated signal and PON can be found at the following links in OptiSystem Example Library.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsPAM systems.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems
      You need to modify the modulation in the PON example using PAM modualtion.

    • #82773
      Ahmad Atieh

      Hello Chihab,
      Just to add to what Arjina said, the examples on PAM modulated signal and PON can be found at the following links in OptiSystem Example Library.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsPAM systems.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems
      You need to modify the modulation in the PON example using PAM modualtion.

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