Home Forums SYSTEM FSO, LOS and OWC channels

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    • #86904
      Miroslav Stanchev

      Hello, can someone explain to me the difference between the FSO, LOS and OWC channels and are they related to the LI-Fi channel.

    • #86923
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Miroslav,
      all component can be used for free-space optic communication. Th LiFi component is best suited for LiFi, how it is limited to ON-OFF DD system. The other three components are flexible to use any modulation and detection. You may use the LOS component for short distances, FSO for ground level transmission and OWC for ground to satellite transmission. Please check the parameters of each component for your needs.

    • #86946
      Miroslav Stanchev

      Благодаря Ахмад

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