Home Forums SYSTEM Eye height, bit rate and Min BER relation

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    • #86927
      Arya Mehendale

      Hi all. I am trying to simulate OOK (NRZ) modulation for two different data rates of 100 Mbps and 5 Gbps. The eye height should decrease for high data rates, which is increasing in my project. Other factors such as Q-factors and Min BER are giving the expected results but I am confused with the eye height parameter. Please rectify this doubt.
      Thank you.

    • #86929
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Arya,
      You need to check the axis that shows the amplitude of the eye and make sure that you compare same units.
      If the issue still not resolved, please email me your project as Zip file to ahmad.atieh@optiwave.com and I’ll check and provide feedback.

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