Home Forums SYSTEM extract SNR using WDM analyzer (UOWC)

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    • #86926
      Aseel Rwaidi

      I simulated an optical system over a UOWC, where I added AWGN with a sweep of input power levels to the channel using a white light source component. I aim to extract the SNR using a Dual WDM Analyzer component to plot it versus the BER. The encountered problem is that when I connected the input of the Dual WDM Analyzer to the output of the white light source and the output of the Dual WDM Analyzer to the input of the UOWC channel. However, the Dual WDM Analyzer gives no results. What could be the problem and how can I resolve it to successfully extract and plot the SNR?

    • #86930
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Aseel,
      The issue could be related to the setting of the operating wavelength range of the Dual Port WDM Analyzer.
      Please set the proper range and make the measurements.

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