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    • #59482
      Zaheer Ahmad

      how do we can add an external clock in oscilloscope visualizer?

    • #59510

      Hi Zaheer

      If you are looking to synchronize the scope. There is a special component that can be used to achieve time delay to synchronize the timing. It is the “Clock Recover” component found in Default\Receivers Library\Regenerators\. There is an example of the component being used in the example library as well. It can found by clicking file, click examples. In the file explorer window that opens up you can search for clock recovery in the top right and an example that uses the component will come up. You can also find the example by following this file path C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\OptiSystem 16.1 Samples\Component sample files\Receivers Library\Regenerators\



    • #59511

      Hi Zaheer

      If you are looking to synchronize the scope. There is a special component that can be used to achieve time delay to synchronize the timing. It is the “Clock Recover” component found in Default\Receivers Library\Regenerators\. There is an example of the component being used in the example library as well. It can found by clicking file, click examples. In the file explorer window that opens up you can search for clock recovery in the top right and an example that uses the component will come up. You can also find the example by following this file path C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\OptiSystem 16.1 Samples\Component sample files\Receivers Library\Regenerators\



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