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    • #22914
      shamsudheen p

      May i know why this CIDF scheduler error arises while running the visible light communication system, please?
      error while finalising the current iteration calculation.

      Also, I am getting a good result at the output for eye diagram analayser even up to 100 meter distance. which is not possible with an LED emitting in the visible region? How can i account for this?

    • #22920
      Damian Marek

      This is a very strange error! I think there is some corruption with the optical spectrum analyzer at the output of the filter.

      I got the example to work by deleting the entire receiver and the Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1. I then reconnected a new OSA to the filter, also make sure the data monitor is deleted along with the initial OSA. It simulates fine now for me.


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