Home Forums FIBER EDFA-TDFA hybrid amplifier

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    • #82672
      Krishna Sarma

      I have designed a TDFA-EDFA hybrid amplifier in optisystem. I am trying to calculate the total noise figure of the hybrid amplifier using the noise figure of TDFA and EDFA using the formula, which is generally used to calculate noise figure of a two-stage cascaded optical amplifier. But the value which I obtained is not matching with the value of the noise figure provided by optisystem for the hybrid amplifier.
      Can I get the formula used by Optisytem to calculate overall noise figure of hybrid amplifier.

    • #83981
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Krishna,
      You could find the equations for NF calculation in the datasheet of the Dual port WDM Analyzer as shown in the attached file.

    • #83991

      Thank you so much Sir for your response.

    • #83993

      Sir I am getting this values from WDM analyzer at a particular wavelength in EDFA

      Wavelength (1492 nm) Gain (15.4596 dB) Noise Figure (5.6398562 dB) Input Signal (-50.002673 dBm) Input Signal (9.99E-09 W) Input Noise (-100 dBm) Input Noise (0 W) Input SNR (49.997327 dB) Input Noise 0.1nm(-100 dBm) Input Noise 0.1nm(0 W) Input OSNR (49.997327 dB) Output Signal (-34.543073 dBm) Output Signal (3.51E-07 W) Output Noise (-36.722209 dBm) Output Noise (2.13E-07 W) Output SNR (2.1791354 dB) Output Noise 0.1nm(-36.722209 dBm) Output Noise 0.1nm(2.13E-07 W) Output OSNR (2.1791354 dB)

      So, according to the values NF should be OSNR(input)-OSNR(output)= 49.997327 dB – 2.1791354 dB = 47.8182 dB. But noise figure shown by WDM analyzer is 5.63 dB.
      I want to know which formula is used here to calculate the noise figure..

    • #83995
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Krishna,
      you use OSNR(input)-OSNR(output) only when the noise source is external, which doesn’t apply here. The noise is coming from the doped fibers. So, you need to use the formula as described in the image I’ve sent you earlier.

    • #84870
      Krishna Sarma

      I have designed a hybrid optical amplifier connecting EDFA and TDFA in parallel. At the output, I have connected a power combiner to get the amplifier’s overall gain. A dual-port WDM analyzer is used to see the gain and noise figures at specific wavelengths. Can anyone help me with the formula for the gain and noise figure used by the WDM analyzer for this configuration?

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