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    • #30591

      Do we have a converter component present in optisystem which converts optical signals to electric signal or electric signals to optical signals?

    • #30605
      Aabid Baba

      Hello Burhan,
      As of now i guess there are now real time converters in optisystem which could convert an optical signal to electrical and electrical to optical.
      You must be aware of the thing that we use modulators to process an electrical signal in the optical domain and then on the receiver end we use photo diodes which enable us to convert optical signal back to electrical domain. Hope its helpful.

      • #30623

        Hi Aabid,

        You have mentioned in your comment that there are some components in OptiSystem which convert electrical to optical signals or optical to electrical signals, other than the components that are used for optical modulation and detection purposes. Can you please name these components? Thank you.


    • #30626
      Aabid Baba

      Hello alistu,

      my bad it was a typing error. please read NO instead of NOW. Thanks
      “As of now i guess there are no real time converters in optisystem”
      you could have inferred from my following statement that i meant there were NO converters which can convert optical signal to electrical signal and vice-versa.
      Anyways, sorry for the typing error.


    • #30635
      aasif bashir dar

      hi burhan

      i think you may use external modulation for binery to optical conversion, as the external modulation is just onor off depending on the input binary signal.

      pin or apd can do reverse of this.

      i also know that you are taking of electrical to optical conversion. but in your other post you are taking of samples which is binary in nature

      with regards

    • #30684

      Hi Aabid

      Thanks a lot. I would try to implement these components to get my required results.

    • #30685

      Hi Aasif

      actually I don,t want to convert just a binary sequence but a signal comprising of packets of data as i have mentioned in my other post. There also i have a problem of generating a stream of packets of data on which i need to perform some operation in my project.

    • #30688
      Aabid Baba

      Hello All,
      asif i must tell you there is no such provision of converting an optical to electrical signal in optisystem. Atleast for now there ain’t any.
      You are answering a different question and Burhan Num Mina llah is asking a basic question.
      If you try to understand she is not asking about binary signal conversions.
      Anyways, discussions are always welcome
      best regards

    • #30690

      Hi Aabid

      yes i am actually asking about a basic electrical signals which i later want to convert to an optical signal

    • #30694
      Aabid Baba

      hi Burhan,
      i understood your question. I am myself working on security aspect of All optical networks. At the moment optisystem does not provide us such window. May be in coming versions we have something called Opto-electric converters. We have basic conversion using modulators ad photodiodes respectively. I would also like to mention that if such converters do come in existence , there would be a tremendous loss in quality of service too.

    • #30697

      Hi Aabid

      thanks a lot. indeed it would lead to drawback in QoS.

    • #30698
      aasif bashir dar

      hi all,

      sorry there is no such option burhan
      as i asked there is no such ooption of having packets in optisytem. we may have sysmbols there .
      packets are different from symbols.
      so your question of converting packets in electrical signal is not possible

      with regards

    • #30706
      Aabid Baba

      You are welcome Burhan.
      Quality in optical line communications is very important so i don not see such converters coming. I would like to share here that we are moving towards All optical networks from conventional networks, the reason being avoiding conversions from optical to electrical and vice-versa because conversions in cooperate a huge losses in the optical system.


    • #30708

      Hi Aabid

      Its true but there are still some benefits of the electrical world that we need to merge with the optical networks. And i believe we can take that risk when we can get a larger benefit. As far as my project is concerned it is actually about merging the benefits from these two fields to make the existing networks flexible.

      • #30769

        Hi Burhan,

        I believe if you are more specific about the application for which you want the electrical-optical conversion to take place, I might be able to provide more help. There is no physical component that does such a task other than those used in optical modulation and detection, as formerly stated.


    • #30796
      Aabid Baba

      Hello Burhan num mina llah,
      I agree there are various pros and cons related to every system design but i was explaining the cons i had gone through during my literature survey regarding these electro-optical conversions. I still feel that you won’t find any physical devices performing such operations. In practical scenario i don’t find these devices coming because in some years from now All Optical networks would take over.


    • #30804

      Hi all

      i am really thankful to the responses provided by u. Aabid that is true and i hope to see such a revolution soon.



    • #30825
      Aabid Baba

      you are welcome burhan.

    • #30951
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan
      What exactly do you need the conversion for? Do you want to export data to some other software which processes in a different format?


    • #30957

      Hi Naazira Badar

      my project consists of the merging of concepts of Software Defined Networking and Optical Networks. So i have two domains to work upon that is electric and Optical. I have to generate packets which i am thinking of implimenting in Matlab then i wish to compare the packets in OpenFlow switch (this also i intend to program in Matlab) and make the required decision. And then after that the packets i get from this Open Flow switch would obviously be of electric nature so i wish to change this stream of packets into optical signal which later on i have to feed into ROADM which is in the Optical domain of my project.
      I hope you understood what my problem is.



    • #30973
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan..
      I understood your query. I think you can pretty much use the MATLAB component for electrical processing. Its output would be electrical. So when you know, based on the packet sequence that the signal is meant for ROADM, you can then use electrical to optical conversion by making use of a photodiode as mentioned in some comments above as well. Hope this helps.


    • #30977

      Hi Naazira

      Yeah that is what i have to do i have to keep two types of outputs to the matlab component which would act as an Open Flow switch, one would lead to the optical domain that is ROADM and one would lead to again another electric domain that would be the controller controlling the network as a whole. Thanks Naazira. Thanks a lot to all for this healthy discussion. It definitely provided the required help.



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