Home Forums GENERAL CIDFS Scheduler :"Error while caculating, component"

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    • #33552
      Tung Tran Van

      I need to calculate a large project (with lots of elements),when calculating for a while, an error appears: “Error while caculating, component”. If I only connect some nodes (~ 10 nodes), calculating successfully, but I increase the number of connections, it failed.
      I noticed that when consuming about 1.6 Gb RAM of the computer, the optisystem software crashes.
      Is there any way to handle this error case?
      I really need your help
      Thanks all.

    • #33554
      Tung Tran Van

      I use Optisystem v7.0 and OS windows 10

    • #33575

      HELLO TUNG..
      It is really irritating when such errors occur..Well i think you have mentioned it rightly it maybe because of the same reason …
      and in case if it occurs due to consumption of large RAM of your PC then i suggest you to go for RAM addition if you have not done so far…Maybe that will help..
      Thanks & regards

    • #33591
      MHD NA

      it occurs due to consumption of large RAM of your PC then i suggest you to go for RAM addition if you have not done so far…Maybe that will help

    • #33592
      Tung Tran Van

      My laptop has 8GB ram and optisystem consume only about 30% memory when calculating. so I think the cause is not due to weak laptop configuration.

    • #33598

      HELLO TUNG..
      It is possibly then some logical error you are making when you are connecting more than say 10 nodes…
      Maybe for 10 nodes you are doing right and maybe you have defined your sources for 10 nodes and that is the reason ur simulation is fine for 10 and not more than 10..
      i would suggest u to cross check the set parameters again..maybe that can solve ur problem..
      Thanks & regards

      • #33618
        Tung Tran Van

        Could you run my attached project and see if there is error?
        Thanks you

    • #33684

      HELLO TUNG..

      I do not have the access to the tool right now as the institute is off today.. I will definitely try to run your osd file when i get access to the tool and see if i could run it for more than 10 nodes as you had mentioned..
      But you have also mentioned your design to be complex so maybe i cannot understand but i will try my best to run your implementation..
      Thanks & regards

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