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    • #26446
      Damian Marek

      It is possible to open and run OptiSystem from the Matlab environment. Make sure the attached .osd file is in the same directory as the CallOptiSystem.m file and you should easily run this program, which simulates the gain and noise figure for various fiber lengths.

    • #26453
      Damian Marek

      Matlab code follows:

      clear all;
      close all;

      % create a COM server running OptiSystem
      optsys = actxserver(‘optisystem.application’);

      % Section looks for OptiSystem process and waits for it to start
      % Execute the system command
      taskToLookFor = ‘OptiSystemx64.exe’;
      % Now make up the command line with the proper argument
      % that will find only the process we are looking for.
      commandLine = sprintf(‘tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq %s”‘, taskToLookFor);
      % Now execute that command line and accept the result into “result”.
      [status, result] = system(commandLine);
      % Look for our program’s name in the result variable.
      itIsRunning = strfind(lower(result), lower(taskToLookFor));
      while isempty(itIsRunning)
      % pause(0.1)
      [status, result] = system(commandLine);
      itIsRunning = strfind(lower(result), lower(taskToLookFor));

      % Open the OptiSystem file defined by the path
      directory = strcat(pwd,’\Matlab Call OptiSystem.osd’);

      % Specify and define the parameters that will be varied
      ParameterName1 = ‘Power’;
      SignalPower = -20:5:-10; %dBm

      ParameterName2 = ‘Length’;
      FiberLength = 5:5:15; %meters

      % Specify the results that will be transfered from OptiSystem
      ResultName1 = ‘Max. Gain (dB)’;
      ResultName2 = ‘Min. Noise Figure (dB)’;
      ResultName3 = ‘Output : Max. OSNR (dB)’;

      Document = optsys.GetActiveDocument;
      LayoutMngr = Document.GetLayoutMgr;
      CurrentLyt = LayoutMngr.GetCurrentLayout;
      Canvas = CurrentLyt.GetCurrentCanvas;

      % Specify the components that will have the parameters (results) transfered
      Component1 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘CW Laser’);
      Component2 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘EDFA’);
      Visualizer1 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘Dual Port WDM Analyzer’);

      % vary the parameters, run OptiSystem project and get the results
      for i = 1:length(SignalPower)
      for k = 1:length(FiberLength)

      %Set component parameters
      Component1.SetParameterValue( ParameterName1, SignalPower(i) );
      Component2.SetParameterValue( ParameterName2, FiberLength(k) );

      Document.CalculateProject( true , true);

      %Acces visualizer results
      Result1 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName1 );
      Result2 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName2 );
      Result3 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName3 );

      Gain( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result1.GetValue( 1 );
      NF( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result2.GetValue( 1 );
      OSNR( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result3.GetValue( 1 );

      %plot graphs
      subplot(3,1,1); plot(FiberLength,Gain(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,Gain(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,Gain(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      title(‘Signal Gain’)
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘Gain [dB]’)
      subplot(3,1,2); plot(FiberLength,NF(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,NF(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,NF(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      title(‘Noise Figure’)
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘NF [dB]’)
      subplot(3,1,3); plot(FiberLength,OSNR(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,OSNR(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,OSNR(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘OSNR [dB]’)

      % close OptiSystem

    • #43727
      Md Hayder Ali

      Hello Marek,

      I am facing this problem…Can you pls suggest me?

      >> CallOptiSystem
      Error using COM.optisystem_application/Open
      Error: The server threw an exception.

      Error in CallOptiSystem (line 28)


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