Home Forums SYSTEM Calculation did not converge

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    • #43411
      adnan sabbar

      During optisystem simulation, I see the phrase ” Calculation did not converge”. what does it mean please?
      is my obtained result correct if this phrase appear?
      thank you

    • #43637
      Marc Verreault

      Hi Adnan,

      Your results are likely not going to be correct. This phrase means that one component was unable to successfully converge on a stable solution (usually a fiber or optical amplifier where differential equations are required).

      I recommend locating the component that has this warning and trying to change the settings. This is not always easy to fix but it usually results from a large number of input channels, very high powers, not enough sections/iterations for the numerical algorithm, etc). Cheers.

    • #43880
      adnan sabbar

      Thank you Marc,
      I see this phrase during calculation of Bidirectional optical fiber which is back word back pumped (Raman pump). so, what parameter I have to change please?

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