Home Forums SYSTEM Bounds on Max Q Factor

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    • #10263
      siva rama krishna

      Why Minimum value of Max Q factor is 6 required in Optical communication.Is it true?
      If true or not explain the this theory concept.

      Siva Rama Krishna

    • #10271
      Tech Support

      For optical communication the BER should be lower than 10e-9, which is a Q of 6. In other words, we consider a system with BER lower than 10e-9 (Q of 6) an error free system.

    • #10278
      siva rama krishna

      What is the formula between BER and Q?

    • #10281
      Damian Marek

      I have attached three pictures taken from the component help of the BER Analyzer. You can access this by right clicking on the component and choosing Component Properties. Then click on Help and scroll down to the Technical Background section. The explanation of the Q factor calculation is found there.

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