Home Forums SYSTEM Bi-directional Tap

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    • #31628
      Aabid Baba

      hello everyone,
      I have a question regarding the usage of a competent namely Bidirectional tap which is present in the component library. Could anybody please tell me what is the exact use of it in Optisystem and has anybody used it in his/her design ??
      I am not sure if it can be used to Tap (gain access) a signal from fiber and that is how i am looking at it right now..Any suggestions??
      Thanking in advance

    • #31634

      Hi Aabid

      A bidirectional tap or simply a passive optical tap is used to monitor and analyse the signals in the bidirectional fiber at any point. U can use this component and analyse your signals. U can use the same transceivers to receive tapped signals for processing and analysis. U might get additional help from the links attached below. I hope it helps.


      Lesson 7: Optical Amplifiers — Designing Optical Fiber Amplifiers and Fiber Lasers

      Best Regards


      • #31639
        Aabid Baba

        hi Burhan num mina llah,
        Thank you for the reply but i have already gone through the theoretical part of the bidirectional part in the tutorial and component details itself. As far as i am concerned, i want to have a look at a sample file if any where it is used to understand the working and operation. From the statement you have mentioned in the above comment it seems it can very well serve my purpose but i need a sample file for it. Hope you could help.


    • #31679

      Hi Aabid

      sorry to say but i have not used this component of bidirectional tap yet anywhere in my project. So i just found the basic information regarding this component . there would surely be people working on bidirectional fiber who would want to analyse their signals at different points. they can provide u with better knowledge regarding this component usage in optisystem.

      Best Regards


      • #31683
        Aabid Baba

        hi burhan num mina llah,
        Its alright. The information provided by you in the recent comment was undoubtedly useful in one or the other way. I had posted it here thinking i may get some sample osd files where it is used for some application but unfortunately i couldn’t get any. Actually i was added in version 13 if i remember and i believe that is the reason i couldn’t find any sample on it in previous version. Hopefully i do find one.
        Anyways thanks for your concern.

    • #31686

      Hi Aabid

      You would certainly get help regarding this as there would be a lot of researchers or students working on bidirectional fiber. And since it has been introduced in one of the recent versions like optisystem 13 so it might take some time but i hope certainly people are working on it as it is preferable to use Bidirectional fiber in current scenario.



      • #31688
        Aabid Baba

        Yes burhan num mina llah i am looking forward to it.
        Actually i need this for different application if i could see it being used in some of the sample and see its effects then accordingly i will think of its usage in my design but right now i am not getting any help.
        lets see and hope for the best.
        Anyways thank you for your concern.

    • #31691

      Hi Aabid Baba..

      You are welcome. Hope your problem is solved and u get the sample in which they use this component.



      • #31694
        Aabid Baba

        Thanks burhan num mina llah.
        I too hope for so.

    • #31828

      Hi aabid

      Check if the link i am posting below can be of any help to you.



      • #31831
        Aabid Baba

        Hi Fayiqa,
        Thank you so much for your concern. I checked the link but what i found is that it is mostly regarding add/drop ring network where certain wavelengths are dropped as per requirement and certain wavelengths are added again as per our requirements. what i actually want is a system design where i could find the application and use of a bidirectional tap so that i could put it in use accordingly.
        Anyway thanks

    • #31832
      Aabid Baba

      Fayiqa can you suggest some designs or simulations where you may have found its use. I would appreciate your efforts.
      Thanks and regards

    • #31836

      Hi aabid

      Sure.I will check and post if i find any.


    • #31838
      Aabid Baba

      Thanks for your concern.

    • #36255
      Manoj Kumar

      Hi Aabid

      A bidirectional tap or simply a passive optical tap is used to monitor and analyse the signals in the bidirectional fiber at any point. U can use this component and analyse your signals. U can use the same transceivers to receive tapped signals for processing and analysis. U might get additional help from the links attached below. I hope it helps.


      Lesson 7: Optical Amplifiers — Designing Optical Fiber Amplifiers and Fiber Lasers

      Best Regards

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