Home Forums SYSTEM Arrayed Waveguide Wavelength

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    • #29181
      Brian Pamukti

      Hi, everyone. I need help for my research about NG-PON Stage 2.
      Several journals said that AWG can be a tunabele wavelength.
      there’s a paper showed AWG use for ONU equipment, but other paper told AWG is used by OLT.

      So, can everyone tell about different of them?

      Thanks For your attention

    • #29185

      Hi Brian,

      As far as I know, the use of WDM (or power splitting component in TDM systems) can either be centralized or distributed, meaning it can only be used in one spot (which can be OLT) or it can be used in ONUs as well. So I think it depends on the network topology and the papers you are referring to probably don’t share the same network topology.


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