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    • #43703
      Be Asmaa

      Good afternoon,
      i am having problem between Optisystem and Matlab.
      when i execute a matlabcalloptisystem.m i have this error message

      No appropriate method, property, or field GetLayoutMgr for class

      please help me to solve this issue.

    • #43792
      Marc Verreault

      Hi Asmaa,

      I think I know what’s happening. I’ll need to track down one of our examples and I’ll get back to you with a solution as soon as I can. Cheers.

    • #43795
      Marc Verreault

      Hi Asmaa,

      I have enclosed an example MATLAB file which is used to call OptiSystem.

      I am not sure which version of OptiSystem you are running but the file originates from OptiSystem 14.2 Samples\Software interworking\MATLAB co-simulation\MATLAB call OptiSystem

      Hopefully you can re-use portions of this code. Cheers!

    • #43796
      Marc Verreault

      Hi Asmaa,

      I’m not sure if my attachment was successfully uploaded.

      Here’s a copy and paste of he code just in case:

      close all;

      % create a COM server running OptiSystem
      optsys = actxserver(‘optisystem.application’);

      % Section looks for OptiSystem process and waits for it to start
      % Execute the system command
      taskToLookFor = ‘OptiSystemx64.exe’;
      % Now make up the command line with the proper argument
      % that will find only the process we are looking for.
      commandLine = sprintf(‘tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq %s”‘, taskToLookFor);
      % Now execute that command line and accept the result into “result”.
      [status, result] = system(commandLine);
      % Look for our program’s name in the result variable.
      itIsRunning = strfind(lower(result), lower(taskToLookFor));
      while isempty(itIsRunning)
      % pause(0.1)
      [status, result] = system(commandLine);
      itIsRunning = strfind(lower(result), lower(taskToLookFor));

      % Open the OptiSystem file defined by the path
      directory = strcat(pwd,’\Matlab Call OptiSystem.osd’);

      % Specify and define the parameters that will be varied
      ParameterName1 = ‘Power’;
      SignalPower = -20:5:-10; %dBm

      ParameterName2 = ‘Length’;
      FiberLength = 5:5:15; %meters

      % Specify the results that will be transfered from OptiSystem
      ResultName1 = ‘Max. Gain (dB)’;
      ResultName2 = ‘Min. Noise Figure (dB)’;
      ResultName3 = ‘Output : Max. OSNR (dB)’;

      Document = optsys.GetActiveDocument;
      LayoutMngr = Document.GetLayoutMgr;
      CurrentLyt = LayoutMngr.GetCurrentLayout;
      Canvas = CurrentLyt.GetCurrentCanvas;

      % Specify the components that will have the parameters (results) transfered
      Component1 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘CW Laser’);
      Component2 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘EDFA’);
      Visualizer1 = Canvas.GetComponentByName(‘Dual Port WDM Analyzer’);

      % vary the parameters, run OptiSystem project and get the results
      for i = 1:length(SignalPower)
      for k = 1:length(FiberLength)

      %Set component parameters
      Component1.SetParameterValue( ParameterName1, SignalPower(i) );
      Component2.SetParameterValue( ParameterName2, FiberLength(k) );

      Document.CalculateProject( true , true);

      %Acces visualizer results
      Result1 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName1 );
      Result2 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName2 );
      Result3 = Visualizer1.GetResult( ResultName3 );

      Gain( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result1.GetValue( 1 );
      NF( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result2.GetValue( 1 );
      OSNR( (i-1)*length(FiberLength) + k ) = Result3.GetValue( 1 );

      %plot graphs
      subplot(3,1,1); plot(FiberLength,Gain(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,Gain(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,Gain(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      title(‘Signal Gain’)
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘Gain [dB]’)
      subplot(3,1,2); plot(FiberLength,NF(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,NF(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,NF(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      title(‘Noise Figure’)
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘NF [dB]’)
      subplot(3,1,3); plot(FiberLength,OSNR(1:length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,OSNR(length(FiberLength)+1:2*length(FiberLength)),FiberLength,OSNR(2*length(FiberLength)+1:3*length(FiberLength)) )
      xlabel(‘Fiber length [m]’)
      ylabel(‘OSNR [dB]’)

      % close OptiSystem

    • #43797
      Be Asmaa

      hello Marc Verreault,
      thank you very much for your quick reply,

      i Use OptiSystem Version 9.0
      When i use Computer with Windows7 ( 32bits ), the project Matlabcalloptisystem.osd works perfectly.
      but when i use OptiSytem windows7 (64bits) he display this error even if i use the Code that you gave me.

      No appropriate method, property, or field GetLayoutMgr for class

      I noticed a difference between the two after running the program,

      With Windows7(32)
      After execution the line “Document = optsys.GetActiveDocument”


      But with windows7(64bits)
      After execution the line “Document = optsys.GetActiveDocument”

      and in the second line “LayoutMngr = Document.GetLayoutMgr;” , he display the error
      No appropriate method, property, or field GetLayoutMgr for class


    • #43811
      Marc Verreault

      Hi Asmaa,

      It looks like for the 64-bit OS, VBscripting is not being recognized (needs to be activated or something). Are you able to run the regular OptiSystem MATLAB component script on your 64-bit OS (MATLAB script call directly within OptiSystem)? Cheers

    • #43877
      Be Asmaa

      Hello Marc Verrault ,
      Thank you for your reply
      I have already used the component Matlab in Optisystem with the 64bits OS and he works perfectly, but the problem is otherwise in “Matlab call OptiSystem”.


    • #43885
      Be Asmaa

      Good morning Mister Marc Verrault,

      Can you help me please to solve this issus


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