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    • #29176
      Aabid Baba

      The attachment here shows an Add drop function using Fiber bragg grating..when i transmit a wavelength , the signal shows fine upto fiber bragg grating…however when i check my signal (reflected wavelength) from the grating after bidirectional fiber, there is no signal response..Please can someone help me in finding whats wrong or if i am doing something wrong..!

    • #29210
      Damian Marek

      I imagine its something to do with the bidirectionality. Enable the initial delay parameter in the Layout parameters Simulation tab. Change the Iterations parameter to something like 20. Run the calculation and open the Optical Spectrum Analyzer. If you change the current iteration (top right corner of the Visualizer) you should see the expected signal.

    • #29710
      Aabid Baba

      Thank you so much! it worked!
      but now i am facing a problem at the circulator output in the same circuit..i should receive only one signal at the output with more power but i am receiving all the four signals with same power which is very low…please the attachment below! Thank you..

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