Home Forums SYSTEM Account Log In Issue

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    • #67577
      jinka aravind


      i am trying to login with different college accounts(i tried with my friends accounts also) to dwnload the optisystem17 but it is showing email already exits.. and some times if it login then it is showing evaluation license expired.
      Requesting you please clarify my issue and suggest me

      thank you

      Aravind Jv

    • #67609
      Eric Tubby


      The screenshot that you have shown is on our registration page at https://optiwave.com/register/. The error message is letting you know that account already exists, so you should log-in with that account information here:
      If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here:

      Since you have posted this topic, that means you are already logged in, so you can access and download the evaluations here:
      Or by selecting 30-Day Evaluations from the Downloads menu at the top of every page.

      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Eric Tubby.
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