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Rajguru M. Mohan

Hi Ajay,
You have asked about one of most latest technologies.
I think you have been talking about Optical MIMO and its implementation in optisystem
An optical multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system uses multiple LED-based transmitters and multiple receivers to transfer parallel streams of data. As compared to a single-transmitter single-receiver system using the same amount of signal power, a MIMO system can provide higher data rates with fewer transmission errors and better reliability.

I want to discuss advantage of coherent optocal MIMO (COMIMO) system as:
Advantages of COMIMO
Optical MIMO is based on the analogy between multipath
fading in wireless channels and modal dispersion in MMF and allows transmission of multiple data channels simultaneously
through a single fiber. Furthermore, selective modal launching requires
a time-invariant channel, for which one must also have an
accurate channel model a priori. Another distinguishing feature
is that MIMO signal processing requires detection of both
amplitude and phase information, in contrast to pure intensity
detection used in conventional fiber-optic links. The tremendous advantages afforded by COMIMO for MMF
communication are possible through advanced DSP. The use
of DSP to enhance the performance of communication links
is well established.

