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Debanjan Sarkar

Thanks to all.
I have not used any generator or decoder. so i cant use psk decoder or any other decoder.

Actually what i want to do is- I have used 8 bit stream. I have to divide it to I-arm i.e.even position bits and Q-arm i.e. Odd position bit. SO i have used Serial to parallel Converter. then i multiplied both the arm with cosine and sine wave receptively. Then i add the signal and send for receiver.
IN receiver section i have follow the reverse process and at a stage i need to detect my signal so i used m-ary threshold detector in both arm. after that i need a parallel to serial converter as in transmitter section i used serial to parallel converter. but due to different signal type of output of threshold detector and input of converter i am unable to connect . please find the attachment where i have shown portion of my problem.
please give a solution .
