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I mean there are two image for X and Y polarization separately and in each image the the left constellation is for transmitter and right one for receiver. at the transmitter the constellation point are distributed in all the quadrants while at the receiver they are at any one of the quadrant (for X-polarization the receiver points are in 4th and for Y polarization in the 2nd quadrant) but according to me as the transmitter constellation points are in all quadrant(ie, 2 point at each quadrant) the receiver constellation points should also be in the distributed in all the quadrant(2 point in each). I need to mention that the receiver points are the same as the transmitter, only the quadrant issue is there which we need to solve. I am unable to guess what may be the problem. I can not upload the design file presently I will upload later on.

you can ignore the extra points that are seen, I asked this issue in another topic in this forum only which is also not solved till now.

Thanks for the co-operation and going through the topic.

