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Steve Dods

In the original design, Region 1 had a width of 0.6 µm. With this design, the dispersion at wavelength 1.55 µm is 3.06 ps/km nm. The target is a design with zero dispersion at 1.55 µm, or about 3 ps/km nm lower than this. In the next simulation, done at wavelength 1.3 µm, the width of Region 1 is scanned. In that simulation, the original design, which has Region 1 width of 0.6, has a dispersion of -20.34 ps/km nm. From the width scan, we see that when that width is changed to 1.3, the dispersion goes to -23.2 ps/km nm (a reduction of about 3 ps/km nm). This suggests that changing the width from 0.6 to 1.3 might get close the target design for the wavelength 1.55 µm. Applying some interpolation gets the more precise width of 1.32 µm.
