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So I assume you have understood how the code is actually generated, and you just wish to know how to implement it. Imagine a codeword obtained for a user to be, for example, 101000. As you can see, only the first and the third elements are ‘1’ and the rest are zero. This shows that for this specific user, you have to use two FBGs whose wavelengths are tuned at lambda1 and lambda3 (Why? Because only the first and the third elements were non-zero at 1010000). That’s it!

Now how are lambda1 and lambda3 chosen? For example, you can start from lambda1=1550.1, lambda2=1550.2,… .So lambda7 would be 1550.7. This is arbitrary. You just choose a starting and and step wavelength (And you’d better you LEDs wavelength the middle frequency of the lambda range). Please tell me if this explanation helped.

