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Hi Harsh,

I got the same message when I first installed the OptiBPM. After that I restarted the system,it worked for me.
When I asked help from Optiwave support, they replied me and you can take a look at this message. You will get some idea.

Dear Sanjeetha,

please reboot your computer and make sure the latest Windows updates are installed and then try to reinstall the OptiBPM.

We would need more information in order to help you.
1. What version of the OptiBPM are you trying to install.
2. What is the version of your Windows , is it 32-bit or 64-bit? What type: Professional, Home Edition, Enterprise …?
3. Do you have any other OptiWave products installed on you computer?

If the problem still persists please send us the screenshot of the error message and let us know if it happened during the installation or when trying to run the OptiBPM.

Email :support@optiwave.com
