Home Forums SYSTEM DDO-OFDM with OS12 OFDM components Reply To: DDO-OFDM with OS12 OFDM components

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Ashu verma

Thank you Dhanajay for consider and post this important point to discussion.I have gone through all discussion and there are some good points like cross checking of system on other similar software.Also one of forum member suggested about rough calculations of system by using formulas from help section.I think it would be difficult to calculate all the value numerically however with correct knowledge and deep study may this happen.But for begginer like me 🙂 it is quite difficult to solve complex equations.

My simple suggestion is that we can make the system and get crosschecked by forum members by posting system on forum.However this may have some problem regarding research and sharing the concept and system with others.But rough systen can give the overall idea.I assume that Damizn also checks the answers given by members and posted systems too,.
For more ways we need to get answers from other members too.
