Home Forums SYSTEM Export Output Images simultaneously after the sweep simulation

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    • #86406
      ankita arora


      I want to generate a dataset of images for my neural network training. I have to save each image manually for each sweep iteration but this is not feasible to collect the data manually for such large iterations.
      Please suggest some way of exporting the graph files simultaneously for multiple sweep values.
      I have used MATLAB Co-simulation as well. But It saves the graph file for first iteration only. Is their any methodology to use the sweep values in MATLAB and save the resultant graph for sweep parameter values.

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by ankita arora.
    • #86516
      Ahmad Atieh

      there is a feature in OptiSystem where you can create images for eye diagrams or any other plots of the visualizers. You need to access the project browser, then select the desired image and right click on it to create the frames or video. you may define a parameter in the Matlab component and sweep that parameter.
      please let me know if the issue is not resolved through email (ahmad.atieh@optiwave.com).

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