Home Forums GENERAL Timing error regarding mixed frequencies

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    • #86376
      Paulomi Mandal

      Dear Sir or Madam,

      We tried to make an easy Optisystem simulation, where we have mixed two electrical generated frequencies with each other. The frequencies we have chosen for this example
      were 14.5 GHz and 10 GHz, so we expected the result should have a period time of 2 ns. A corresponding file is attached. In the simulation we were not able to see this
      2 ns periodicity and it looks for us, that there is something like a small error accumulating over time. It would be great, if we could have some support in this regard
      to resolve our problem.

      Kind regards,
      Paulomi Mandal

    • #86381
      Ahmad Atieh

      Hello Paulomi,
      you can’t load OptiSystem projects to the forum. Could you please email the project as Zip file to my email at ahmad.atieh@optiwave.com to check it?
      Also, let me know OptiSystem version that you use for the design.

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