Home Forums GENERAL optical spectrum analyser in optiSystem does not show any result

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    • #79872

      I am simulating the schematic of a conference article. I have adjusted all the parameter according to the the article. but anyway, I do not get any output on optical spectrum analyser. what is the problem do you think? I have attached my simulation schematic image here. moreover, I have added other parameter some other properties as per the tutorial of optiwave for optisystem, for bidirectional component (for example, increasing the iteration and forcing initial delay). I am using version 7.0.
      best regards,
      thank you

    • #80803
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Mohammad,
      you need to increase the index on the spectrum analyzer at the top right field called “Signal Index” because you are using delay elements.
      Please note that version 7 is a hacked version and you need to use legitimate version of OptiSystem.

    • #83407
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Mohammad,
      you need to increase the index on the spectrum analyzer at the top right field called “Signal Index” because you are using delay elements.
      Please note that version 7 is a hacked version and you need to use legitimate version of OptiSystem.

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