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    • #79796

      Hi, I am trying to simulate SPP coupling in kretschmann configuration at an excitation angle of 275 degree. But the excitation wave front is not incident at that angle.
      The things are working well with 2D simulation. Can anyone help me with this please?

    • #80529

      Sorry, I attached RAR file. Find ZIP file attached

    • #83133

      Sorry, I attached RAR file. Find ZIP file attached

    • #80531

      Again, that is not supported.

    • #83135

      Again, that is not supported.

    • #80567
      Scott Newman

      Hello Aseefhali,

      There are few items to discuss with your design and setup but first we need to address angle definitions.

      First and foremost is your definition of angle. You should never need to set an angle outside -90 and 90 in 2D but you are stating you need 275. I am going to assume you are defining your angle differently than us. 2D – the angle is the angle from the normal to the direction of desired propagation in an anti-clockwise direction. 275 is going to give you backwards propagation. For 3D there are two angles, if you refer to the release notes you will see the diagram. Theta is the rotation about the normal while phi is the angle away from the normal. You have theta set to 0 and phi to 45 which does not correspond to what you are asking for.

      Before we proceed I need you to clarify exactly the angle you require.


    • #83171
      Scott Newman

      Hello Aseefhali,

      There are few items to discuss with your design and setup but first we need to address angle definitions.

      First and foremost is your definition of angle. You should never need to set an angle outside -90 and 90 in 2D but you are stating you need 275. I am going to assume you are defining your angle differently than us. 2D – the angle is the angle from the normal to the direction of desired propagation in an anti-clockwise direction. 275 is going to give you backwards propagation. For 3D there are two angles, if you refer to the release notes you will see the diagram. Theta is the rotation about the normal while phi is the angle away from the normal. You have theta set to 0 and phi to 45 which does not correspond to what you are asking for.

      Before we proceed I need you to clarify exactly the angle you require.


    • #80569

      Hi Scott,

      Thanks for the reply. I figured out my mistakes and resolved the problem.


    • #83173

      Hi Scott,

      Thanks for the reply. I figured out my mistakes and resolved the problem.


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