Home Forums GENERAL Optisystem Design for 16QAM OFDM bidirectional (Upstream and Downstream)

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by MUHAMMAD ZUHDI BIN MD ZAHIR.
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    • #79783

      Hello everyone, I need help in designing Optisystem bidirectional(Upstream and Downstream) GPON VLC using 16QAM and OFDM modulator

    • #80497
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Muhammad,
      you may check the examples in OptiSystem Example Library on the different topics and use them as guidance to build your desired design. Check the locations:
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsOFDM systems


    • #83101
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Muhammad,
      you may check the examples in OptiSystem Example Library on the different topics and use them as guidance to build your desired design. Check the locations:
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesMetro and access systemsPON and CDMA systems
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsOFDM systems


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