Home Forums GENERAL PSK in VLC?

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    • #79694
      uykra a

      In VLC, intensity modulation is used so that the modulated signal should be positive and real. But I see PSK is used as a modulation scheme for VLC in some papers. How can be PSK implemented in VLC? I am very confused about that.

    • #80149
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Uykra,
      The PSK signal is represented by an amplitude and phase, which its field is defined as complex signal in OptiSystem. The amplitude is the square root of the intensity.
      Please refer to the examples on PSK in OptiSystem Example Library located at the following link for guidance.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsPSK systems


    • #82753
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Uykra,
      The PSK signal is represented by an amplitude and phase, which its field is defined as complex signal in OptiSystem. The amplitude is the square root of the intensity.
      Please refer to the examples on PSK in OptiSystem Example Library located at the following link for guidance.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 18.0 SamplesAdvanced modulation systemsPSK systems


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