Home Forums SYSTEM Quality factor and Bit rate

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    • #68510
      Buki Ojed

      Please I would like to know if the quality factor of the eye diagram should increase or decrease at higher bit rates. For example, if the bit rate is 100kbps and the quality factor is 6.96 while at 1Gbps should it increase to 270 that is higher than 100kbps or reduce to 4.35 that is lower than 100kbps. I read some papers that gave an increase in bit rate while the other gave a decrease in bit rate please kindly advise on the correct answer.


      Buki Ojediran

    • #68519
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Buki,
      There is no fixed single trend in the performance in optical communication systems. The system overall performance depends on the specs of many components and the interaction of signals in the channel. Typically, you expect increasing the bit rate to decrease the performance and reduces the Q-factor. However, the system frequency response could be better matched to a higher rate. That will cause the performance to improve. The key is you need to optimize the parameters for your rate, then characterize the system for range/OSNR, etc…
      I hope this helped.

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